My Seven Wastefulness
I'm reading Mary and Tom Poppendieck's Implementing Lean Software Development, which I recommend highly.
Confession time : here's how my development process on my landlords' website looks in terms of the Seven Wastes (p.74)
Partially Done Work is pretty good. I tend to select modifications that can be done fully in the session I have available.
Extra Features is good, because I am harsh about what I will add. After all, it's free software.
Relearning is problematic. I have to remind myself all sorts of things about MySql and the website database layer each time I work on it.
Handoffs is not a problem, because I don't hand off the work to anyone.
Task Switching is good when I'm working on a feature.
Delays is of course a problem. When exactly will I address that particular issue? Today? This week?
Defects is a challenge, because of the distance between me and the users and because some problems are related to the loading on the server. Some user somewhere has a quote key that breaks my SQL insert statement. What can I do about that?
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